Graphic Recording for events

Written by Lina Navickaitė
Category Travel

What is Graphic Recording for events?

With Graphic Recording at events, you can record real-time discussions and processes. Visual facilitation is also referred to as live scribing. This interactive event service allows businesses to capture and preserve valuable event content. An illustrator will join your event to provide live event illustration and illustrate meeting content in real time.

How is Graphic Recording done?

Graphic recording can be done in a couple of ways. It can be done online or at your location. Secondly, we do it either by hand: painting on large paper canvases or boards, or digitally: using drawing tablets or laptops. You can contact us if you aren’t sure which Graphic Recording option to choose and we will answer all your questions.

Workshops, meetings, and conferences can benefit from graphic recording. A trained graphic recording artist captures event content and its process visually. He attends an event armed with drawing tools such as markers, a drawing tablet, or a laptop to record graphics digitally. He can do this remotely or live at the event. You can count on our visual recorders to attend your event wherever it is and to capture the content through diagrams, charts and engaging illustrations.

Why should brands choose Graphic Facilitation for events?

One of the main reasons brands choose Graphic Recording for events is content capture and audience engagement. If the idea is spoken, it loses its power compared to visualising it. Visualising the idea will bring the idea closer to reality. That’s where Graphic Facilitation shines. Businesses and event planners can rely on Graphic Facilitator artists to keep track and capture their content, discussions, processes and meeting breakthroughs.

During the event, graphic recording takes place in real-time to increase the learning experience. Listening to information is great, but visualising it is even better – the engagement and memory are doubled!

Graphic recording ways

There are two ways to apply Graphic Recording services to your event:

  • For example, by accurately recording content (for example, from speakers, discussions, meetings, debates, strategy sessions, etc.) Engaging the audience in a conversation, extracting ideas, views, and opinions and illustrating them.
  • Three, Graphic Recording can be swapped with Graphic Facilitation, where the artist becomes the event facilitator and guides the team towards the discussion outcomes by visually capturing the discussion and visually assisting the team by turning their ideas into picture in front of them. We promise a multidimensional learning experience through live illustrations!

Digital Graphic Recording for Remote and Virtual Online Events

Digital recording is taking visual recording to a new level. There have been a lot of virtual events, and a lot of businesses have switched to remote work. Visual Recording was very quick to adapt to these digitisation changes. Now we offer Digital Graphic Recording, also known as Virtual Scribing, an effective and efficient service. Read more about it on our website.

The purpose of visual event recording is to synthesise, capture and present your event content visually, so that it can be shared with colleagues and external audiences. You can also use event visuals in your marketing collateral, on social media, and in post-event materials, like booklets.

Typically, our visuals speak for themselves, but if you combine words and visuals, you can create a compelling visual summary of an event.

Live Virtual Scribing

Get the Event Visual Summary ready

Using Visual Recording for your events is an excellent way to engage your audience and capture event content live. The benefit of this is that you get to keep a copy of the valuable information that was shared during the meeting.

We provide you with a digital event summary that you can share with others and print out large scale. This will enable you to keep track of what happened at the event. A vector copy of the event artwork serves as a discussion piece long after the event has ended to recall and recap the event. It helps businesses to move forward with their business breakthroughs and decisions, and if necessary, educates and inspires external audiences. Now the brand can use the finished product for marketing purposes! 

Graphic Recording event visual
Graphic Recording event summary piece

How can we as Graphic Recorders help you?

We stand somewhere between illustrators and graphic artists. Combining the simplicity of illustration with graphic design is our goal. Visual event capture is fundamentally about capturing information, and the aesthetics and simplicity of illustrations are key to conveying that information. Instead of beautifying the content, we focus on communicating with the client’s audience. Rather than an art-board with scribbles that are difficult to read, we want the content to help the audience digest and memorise the content. 

Finalising the event artwork is a priority for us. That’s why we offer the option of iterations and artwork reviews post-event. The drawings prepared and finalised by our team are prepared using modern, brand-consistent styles. The copywriter works with us and we complete the product in our own time.

We believe companies like Google, Amazon, EY, etc., come to us because of this. With each event moving to virtual space, we know that we can innovate with illustration, and so we are improving our digital image. 

Invite the Graphic Recording artist to perform at your event. It doesn’t matter where you are: London, Paris, Amsterdam, Stockholm, or New York! We can now be everywhere thanks to digital and virtual technologies.