Live Scribing for remote and virtual business events

Written by Kristina Katz
Category Studio

With Live Scribing for online events, brands can boost engagement and make events more creative. It also adds a learning dimension. Those who are visual learners often need more than text to memorise information. Live Scribers are proud to follow internal meetings and join discussions on behalf of global brands. With Live Virtual Scribing, we can be anywhere and anytime, thanks to the technology.

The use of visual scribes for digital online events

What is the process of Virtual Scribing? A simple process of listening and drawing!
While you participate in the conference in silence, we record and listen to key points. During the remote event, you can show our design process live or choose to show it at the end.

An event infographic packed with key takeaways and visual metaphors is an incredible tangible gift for your participants. It documents and reinforces their newly acquired information and is easily re-shared with THEIR audiences.

This allows you to use the infographic for future event marketing and blog posts, as well as social media sharing – a great way to integrate it into your branding.

Taking Scribble infographics to the next level

It’s time to get it moving! Animation is another great option! 

If you are still wondering why you should care about visuals, here is just a small example of what we can share with you. Let’s look at how visuals help people learn:

– Stay in Long Term Memory
– Messages are transmitted faster
– Improve Comprehension
– Trigger emotional responses
– Motivate Learners
– Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Virtual Scribing for Events is one of the most powerful live engagement tools for brands in the age of screens! We invite you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to engage your audience and stand out from a sea of online events in 2022.